Downloading and Using the App
In this section, we will guide you through downloading and setting up the Smart Access Editor app - this will be a key tool in your work.
To begin, you will need to start by downloading the following apps:
Smart Access App:
Another app that will be useful to you is the Smart Access app. This is the app for users. It will be important for you to know your way around this app, however you will not need to use it as much as the Smart Access Editor App.
You can click here to download the Smart Access App
Smart Access Editor App:
This app will be your everything. This will be where you record your data and add your photos. You will use this everyday.
You can click here to download the Map Marker App. You will need to request access to this app so message your supervisor to get that access.
Ensure that you have downloaded these apps before moving on to the next step.
It will be important to have the Map Marker app open while the next video is playing, so that you can follow along.
There are features in the app that you will not use often, however, it is important that you are well acquainted with the app and know how to use it.
Please take a couple minutes to look through the app and get to know your way around it before moving on.