The Features
We collect data on about 40 different environmental features. Each one has some impact on accessibility for those in wheelchairs, blind/low vision, or deaf/hard of hearing. In each section we will discuss how this feature affects accessibility and why it is important that we collect data on it.
However, it is also important for you to gain this understanding. You may come across situations where the information provided may not perfectly apply and you will need to adapt and figure it out based on the context. If you have a clear understanding of each feature then you will be able to figure out how to best record the data to best benefit those it affects.
The following are the features that we will discuss within this module and that you will record data on:
Accessible Parking
Bus Stop
Crossing Sight Distance
Crossing Type
Cycle Lane
Cycle Rack
Distance Between Obstacles
Door Type
Electric Vehicle Charger
Flat Area to Cross
Footpath Crossfall
Footpath Width
Kerb Ramp
Overhead Clearing - Footpath
Overhead Clearing - Road
Public Parking
Public Toilet
Shared Zone
St Furniture/Obstacles
Surface Problem
Tactile Paving
Taxi Stand
Train Station
Vertical Height
Some you will collect data on more than others. Some will make perfect sense and others may be confusing. That is ok. Do not hesitate to ask questions - that will be very important to do your job correctly and properly.