Public Parking

Non-accessible parking spaces are ones that do not have enough space for a van or mobility vehicle to lower a ramp for wheelchairs. They are more common than accessible parking, and include various public areas, such as parking facilities, supermarkets, driveways, and roadside parking.

Young families may like to check for parking in advance so that they can find the best carpark to make a smooth transition with their young ones, or kaumatua/older people may like to see how close they can find parking so as to not walk far.

Let’s watch the video to see what Tim says !

Did you catch the part where Tim says that non-accessible parking is anything that is not private? Private counts as smaller businesses and residential areas who we don’t have permission to collect data on.

Supermarkets are technically private, but are also common public spaces so we usually collect data on them but please respect any requests not to. Make contact with your supervisor if you’re unsure on what to do.


Overhead Clearings


Surface Problems