Distance Between Obstacles

I’m sure you’ve been walking and encountered things such as poles or bar in your way.

Imagine a wheelchair user trying to get through either of these. Or someone who is blind/low vision and is unaware, who could potentially walk into it.

We need to note these obstacles, so that users can be fully aware of what they might encounter along the way.

Tim mentioned measuring two variables:

BB - Between Barriers

BF - Between Barriers and the Footpath

Distance Between Obstacles are subcategorised by the narrowest distance measured out of these two. For example: If you have recorded 1.2M BB and 2.1BF then you will subcategorise it as ‘1.00m - 1.24m’ as the BB measurement is the narrowest/smallest.

The subcategories are:

  • 0.00m - 0.74m

  • 0.75m - 0.99m

  • 1.00m - 1.24m

  • 1.25m +

