Cycle Lanes

Cycle Lanes are not only useful for some people with disabilities, but it is useful for non-disabled cyclists and other users who may also be using the app. Though we have a strong focus on features that may affect those with disabilities, they are not the only ones who may want to plan a safe journey before leaving their homes.

If you planned to go cycling, would you be okay cycling in an unknown area with no idea of how busy or accessible it is?

In the video, Tim mentioned to measure between the kerb and either the white road line or concrete separator. One or the other will be present, but not both. To avoid any possible confusion of this, refer to the images below of different cycle lanes that may include either a white road line or concrete separator.

These are what cycle lanes may look like with concrete separators:

These are what cycle lanes may look like with white lines:

Cycle Lanes are subcategorised by distance. The distance being the narrowest point of a cycle lane. The subcategories are:

  • 0.00m - 0.49m

  • 0.50m - 0.99m

  • 1.00m - 1.49m

  • 1.50m+

Alright! Quiz time !


Bus Stops


Footpath Crossfall