Crossing Sight Distance

Sometimes it can be hard to see oncoming traffic at a crossing point due to a car or object obstructing your view. The Crossing Sight Distance is the distance between the crossing point and the first sight of an approaching vehicle, i.e. how far is it to oncoming traffic?

This will be useful for those who are deaf/hearing loss as they won’t be able to hear cars coming and will rely only on what they can see. Knowing the Crossing Sight Distance, individuals with hearing loss can gauge how much time they have to safely cross the road before any approaching vehicles reach the crossing point.

Crossing Sight Distance is subcategorised by distance measured:

  • 0.0m - 9.9m

  • 10.0m - 19.9m

  • 20.0m - 29.9m

  • 30.0m +

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2. Crossing Types